On the way to the GREEN IMPLANT. We take environment protection seriously and aim to be pioneers by setting a good example.
The history of Königsee Implantate reaches back to the end of the first world war. In 1919, the orthopaedic technician Otto Bock founded the company in Berlin, to treat those injured in the war with prostheses and orthopaedic products. The company moved to Königsee in Thuringia shortly after. Otto Bock was able to put the idea of the series production of prosthesis components into practice and to supply them directly to the local orthopaedic technicians. After the Second World War in 1948, the company suffered a serious setback: The company founder’s assets were confiscated and the company was nationalised.
With the fall of the Berlin Wall the company was privatised again and some of it was returned to Otto Bock. The Treuhand (state holding company) sold the division for the production of implants and instruments for osteosynthesis to a French investor under the name “Orthopädie Königsee”. In September 1993, however, the company filed for bankruptcy.
This opened a door for Eroch Orschler: After brief negotiations with the town and federal state of Thuringia, in October 1993 he founded a completely new company “Königsee Implantate und Instrumente zur Osteosynthese GmbH” based in Königsee. Equipped with a small range of machinery and the determination of the workforce left standing after from the former Orthopädie Königsee folded, he set Königsee Implantate on its route to success.
Königsee Implantate also overcame the second year of COVID-19. Unlike other manufacturers that source their materials in third countries, as a domestic supplier we were able to provide a very reliable service. Be it tibia plates, sterile implants, explantation sets or screws – our extensive portfolio from the collarbone to the foot is always ready and available.
Königsee Implantate goes sterile! Königsee Implantate places a high value on innovation and change. However, as a company we have critically analysed the sterile trend. The flip-side of sterile packaging is the enormous increase in the volume of packaging, the resulting astronomical extra costs for packaging, logistics and disposal, rising processing costs in hospital and, above all, the severe detrimental impact on the environment. So we decided that we should at least avoid virgin fibres for the outer packaging of our sterile goods and instead use material that was already recycled to produce our boxes. We have also continued to avoid composite materials and unnecessary additional packaging in as far as this is possible without jeopardising the safety and quality of our products. At this point we would like to advise you that the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2017/745 of 5 April 2017 does not mandate the sole use of sterile products.
Frank Orschler opens the Logistics Centre of Königsee Implantate GmbH with the Minister President of the Federal State of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow (from “die Linke” political party) Rebuild not new build Walking instead of driving means more time for your family. These are the cornerstones on which the new company site is built. When choosing our location, Kümmelbrunnen was not some random choice. The advantages are self-evident: Many of the employees in the logistics centre live in Königsee and can walk to their “new” place of work. You can get to the local nursery school quickly in emergencies. We did not need to build on greenfield site. Instead, an existing brownfield site and building materials were to be used — just to name a few of the criteria.
This year marks the launch of our variable angle-stable radius plate 2.4. With its innovative features, it allows the treatment of radial fractures and expands the comprehensive range of our existing radius plates.
Königsee Implantate also presents the TRILOB nail, a compact system to treat fractures in extremity bones in dogs and the expansion set for TIS™ screws.
What sets Königsee Implantate apart is its holistic energy management, for which it is awarded the Thuringia Energy Efficiency Award 2017.
Development projects
ZIM 16KN062380 ProAnimalLife - RupturRepairDL surgical set suitable for routine use for 16KN062345 RupturRepair
Development of a surgical set suitable for routine use for the system solution for the arthroscopic treatment of a cruciate ligament rupture in dogs, considered one of the most common injuries. The method to be developed in parallel must ensure that the procedure is completed within two hours. The aim is life-long recovery of the physiological load capacity and motion patterns.
DIaManT - Decentralised Information Architectures in Medical Technology Application Domain in Thuringia
The collaborative DIamAnT project was launched on 1 April 2019. The aim of the project is to use blockchain technology to improve information availability, traceability and feedback in cross-company business processes and, above all, to be able to present them transparently.
QST 45203 Use of highly efficient multidisciplinary technologies in SMEs
Implementation of a systemic optimisation according to 3.1.2. of the guideline for investment grants for the use of highly efficient cross-sectional technologies in SMEs. Two measures are set out to improve energy efficiency:
- Upgrading the exhaust air fans
- Upgrading the heat recovery system
ZIM 16KN062345 RupturRepair Development of a system solution for the arthroscopic treatment of a cruciate ligament rupture in dogs
Development of a system solution for the arthroscopic treatment of a cruciate ligament rupture in dogs, considered one of the most common injuries. The method to be developed in parallel must ensure that the procedure is completed within two hours. The aim is life-long recovery of the physiological load capacity and motion patterns.
ZIM 16KN062325 ProAnimalLife - OsteoSynth Material investigations and constructive implementation of a bending and rotation stable implant
Material testing and constructive implementation of an implant that is stable in bending and rotation.
ZIM KF3450601AK4 OPTI-SPINE Development and optimisation of a novel lumbo-sacral spinal implant system
Development and optimisation of a novel lumbo-sacral spinal implant system.
ZIM 16KN051627 - INDI-SYN motion system
Motion system – INDI-SYN / innovative, individual implant system and efficient workflows.
Project no. 2015 EEI 0089 promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in companies: Energy advice and efficiency measures
A heat pipe distributes residual heat from technological processes throughout the building for various uses. A heat buffer allows a delay in the delivery of the recovered heat. A higher-level control system ensures optimal operation.
The project, funded by the Federal State of Thuringia, was co-financed by European Union funds within the scope of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Project no. 2014 EEI 0027 Energy efficiency measures in SMEs
Measures to increase energy efficiency in companies:
- Data collection system to reduce stand-by losses.
- Residual heat utilisation in server room
- Supply and exhaust air system with heat recovery for production halls
The project, funded by the Federal State of Thuringia, was co-financed by European Union funds within the scope of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Project no. 2014 EEB 0012
Advice and project support with measuring technology:
- Avoid unnecessary standby using continuous data capture supported by measuring technology
- Installation of a centrally controlled heating/ventilation system
- Supply and exhaust air system with heat recovery for production halls
- Convert lighting to LED in a production hall
- Electric load management
- Heat pipe with additional buffer storage
- Residual heat utilisation in IT server room
The project, funded by the Federal State of Thuringia, was co-financed by European Union funds within the scope of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Project no. 2012 EEB 0006
Funding for energy efficiency measures in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs):
- Advice supported by measuring technology:
- Stand-by loss
- Optimisation/upgrading of milling room
- Supply and exhaust air system with heat recovery
- Optimisation of compressor
The project, funded by the Federal State of Thuringia, was co-financed by European Union funds within the scope of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Head quarter
Sales and logistics center
Training center